Calling all NJ to Rock Your Socks for World Down Syndrome Day!
About World Down Syndrome Day:
World Down Syndrome has been recognized around the world since 2012. It is on March 21, in recognition of the 3 copies of the 21st chromosome unique to people with Down syndrome. People come together to raise awareness for World Down Syndrome Day by wearing brightly colored, crazy, extra or mismatched socks. Socks were chosen because they look like chromosomes and people with Down syndrome have a unique set of chromosomes with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome – hence the mismatched/extra/colorful socks campaign
We invite local schools, businesses, other nonprofits, and families to join this day of awareneness and show a united stance for acceptance and inclusion. Here at DSACNJ-Club DREAMS we strive every day to break down barriers for people with Down syndrome and let their ability shine! By ordering socks through our organization you can help raise funds to support our nonprofit and join the campaign for awareness!
How does it work?
- Bulk Pre-Orders: Bulk Pre-Orders require you to commit to selling at least 50 pairs of socks (we can provide preorder forms to help you guage interest and confirm orders before committing), but you are not required to pre-pay. Instead, you turn in the funds after you sell the socks. If you run out, you can always request more pairs. These orders can be placed through our PRE-ORDER FORM. You will be provided assorted mismatched socks for sale.
- Who should place a Bulk Pre-Order? Teachers/school employees, business owners, doctors offices, nurses, first responders, daycare providers, sports teams, student groups, girl scouts or clubs, and more!
- When are Bulk Pre-Orders due? Monday, February 10
- When can I pick up Bulk Pre-Orders?
- Preorders will be available for pick up sometime after February 20th. You will be contacted by email when they are ready. There will be plenty of time before March 21st!
- Pick up will be at Club DREAMS, 25 Scotch Rd. Suite H Ewing, NJ 08628
- Can I order more socks if I sell out of my initial order? Yes! If you sell out of socks from your initial order, you can reorder more socks to pickup in early March. Feel free to reach out to dsacnj@dsacnj.org with questions. More information will be emailed to you after you place your initial order.
- How do Individual/small Orders work? These orders are best if you’re planning to order less than 50 pairs of socks. These orders can be placed using this SMALL ORDER FORM. Prepayment is required for individual orders to be processed. We will contact you to arrange payment after we receive the form. You can pick up at Club DREAMS, 25 Scotch Rd, Suite H, Ewing, NJ 08628. If delivery is needed, please reach out to confirm it is possible or if there will be any charge.
- Who should place an Individual Order? Anyone looking to just purchase socks (less than 50) for yourself, friends, family, coworkers etc – without selling them/returning funds collected.
- When are individual orders due? We recommend ordering socks by Saturday, March 8 to have in time for World Down Syndrome Day on Friday, March 21. If you have any questions about ordering Rock Your Socks, please contact dsacnj@dsacnj.org
- What sizes are available? We have two sizes available- youth and adult. Adult socks fit most teens/adults as well as older children and youth socks we recommend for any children around age 5-7. Youth socks are not for toddlers or babies.
- What will the socks look like? You will be provided assorted mismatched socks for sale. The sockw are midcalf height with varied patterns, colors and styles. They will have a tag explaining the purpose of mismatch socks for World Down Syndrome Day. We suggest you allow people to pick the pair they like off a table or display!
- How do we determine the number of socks needed? You can always ask us for more socks if you sell out. You may return any unsold socks back to us as long as they do not exceed 10% of your order. For example, if you order 100 socks, you can return 10 but would owe payment for 90 pairs.
- Why are there different price points? The bulk socks should be sold at $3/pair price for schools and nonprofits. For small orders they will be $5 a pair or if local businesses feel they can sell the socks for $5 a pair we encourage that as well.
- What do socks have to do with Down syndrome? Socks have the same shape as a chromosome and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome.
- Is this a fundraiser for the DSACNJ? The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness for Down syndrome. However it also serves to raise funds for our nonprofit allowing us to continue to fuel our mission and grow our services and programs.
- If your school or business would like to participate, but first wants to arrange pre-orders before placing your order with us then feel free to utilize our modifiable pre-order form to gauge interest. Pay special attention to the items in pink font, as these are the areas that may need customization before printing and distributing. Feel free to add your logo as well. Use of the pre-order form is optional. SOCK INTEREST FORM
Also if you are interested in a true party to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day please join us at Rock Your Socks Off: A World Down Syndrome Day Celebration and Fundraiser. www.givebutter.com/RYSO2025